Thuja offers an affordable and attractive option for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) in the Carriage House category. The design prioritizes resilience and durability with simple, standardized building materials and components, avoiding complex assemblies that require specialized trades. This approach aims to ensure replicability, control costs, and provide flexibility for individual needs. As a Carriage House, this proposal seeks to preserve valuable greenspace in the rear of the lot while also providing functional and flexible spaces for residents of both dwellings to work, play, and live. While the overall orientation of the building will be different for each lot, the relative orientation of the living room towards the lane provides the greatest access to natural light and addresses privacy, overlook, and CPTED issues within the neighbourhood context. This proposal shows space for a future porch lift, which should be considered optional on a per application basis. The primary objective of designing the assemblies for this project was to ensure resilience, particularly against severe flooding. Emphasis was placed on ensuring that assemblies at or below the Flood Construction Level (FCL) would endure flooding events without necessitating extensive remediation. These assemblies consist entirely of non-organic materials, and all critical building equipment has been strategically located above the FCL. This approach aims to minimize damage and maintain operational continuity, aligning with best practices for resilient infrastructure in flood-prone areas.