
Prototype Umbel offers an affordable and attractive option for R-1 zoned lots with a lane in areas with high Flood Construction Levels. The design prioritizes equity of ground level access for all units, and facilitates phased construction, allowing an owner to remain in their existing dwelling while redevelopment occurs.

This approach aims to ensure replicability, control costs, and provide flexibility for individual needs. The intention behind the ability to phase the project is to allow an owner to stagger the construction of each duplex building, potentially inhabiting the existing home while the first duplex is under construction, and moving into the new building to allow for the construction of the second duplex.

As a Multiplex, this proposal seeks to preserve valuable greenspace in the middle and front of the lot while also providing functional and flexible spaces for residents of both dwellings to work, play, and live. The secure covered walkway addresses many privacy, overlook, and CPTED issues within the context of both the neighbourhood and the single lot, and facilitates equitable access to greenspace and entrances for inhabitants. The primary objective of designing the assemblies for this project was to ensure resilience, particularly against severe flooding. Emphasis was placed on ensuring that assemblies at or below the Flood Construction Level (FCL) would endure flooding events without necessitating extensive remediation.

These assemblies utilize non-organic materials for all structural assemblies below the FCL, and all critical building equipment has been strategically located above the FCL. This approach aims to minimize damage and maintain operational continuity, aligning with best practices for resilient infrastructure in floodprone areas.